This BC artist has a passion for painting in watercolour, on location throughout the Kootenays during spring, summer and fall. Her hand painted textile art cards are finished with thread sketched details and are popular for framing.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
After soda soaking and drying the white mercerized cotton fabric, I draw on a design using thickened black dye in a bottle with a nib. Considering the design element of line, when sketching my image, I put a more detail in certain areas.
After batching (wrapping the fabric in plastic and placing in a warm place) overnight, I am ready to apply the colour using thickened dyes. The two step process allows for the black line to dry and thus stay sharp when the other colours are placed up to it.
Four or five Styrofoam plates (reusable) are used for colour mixing. At this stage I apply the dye with brushes. A 1/2 inch flat brush is a favourite. In this fabric panel, I painted the lilac blossoms and some of the leaves with a sponge allowing for a lacier look The dark colours of the leaves were placed on first, then the medium values and then the lights. The reason being that with dyes light colours can go over the dark colours without changing the outcome but dark colours layered onto light colours will not go to dark. The colour may change a bit to a medium value but because the thickening agent acts like a resist any dye layered above the first layer has a difficult time penetrating to the fabric.
I chose a split complement colour scheme with violet on one side of the colour wheel and yellows and greens making up most of the painting from across the colour wheel. Subsequently the red of the house was changed to a buttery yellow.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Featherweight Singer Sewing machines. They are so cute but alas I don't have one. In order to work up this painted fabric (with dyes) panel, I relied on a photo I took of my fellow quilter, Elma's machine. This was 2 years ago and she likely wondered if I would ever get anything done with it. This image is more precise than a lot of what I paint and I knew I would need to have accurate measurements. For this I graphed the 5X7" photo into a 1 1/2 times sized sketch.
Black is a challenging dye to use. Heat is something that I have been giving considerable consideration in the curing process of the procion fiber reactive dyes. Recentl,y I purchased a heating pad and my plastic wrapped painted pieces sit on it on low for at least 4 hours. Results have been very true colours from the painting to being washed. A HUGE yea! A few more times will confirm this is indeed what created such great results. I'll keep you posted.
Borders of 4 1/2" curved blocks are being considered here in the photo. I auditioned two inner borders to bring out the gold details of the machine. To match the gold I went to a yellow slightly greyed with black and then for a complementary colour I tried a slightly greyed violet in a similiar value (light and dark) as the gold. Both colour considerations took away from the antique look I was striving for. This exercise was valuable though as it got me thinking of future sewing machine paintings that could include coloured sewing notions so that borders can be matched to them. Too much fun!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Canmore Quilt Show & Eagle Festival
The Canmore Quilt show was fantastic. The Merchant Mall housed the tea section too so the Vendors were well supplied with goodies!
There are magnificent vistas from every direction in Canmore. No wonder the Canmore Quilt Guild is so inspired. The same weekend as the Quilt show was the Eagle Festival. Birders gathered in the town center to view Golden eagles catching the wind currents above the mountains. Birds are a special interest of mine as you can see from the Blue Jay fabric painted piece.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Eileen sells her work at Quilt Shows in the Kootenays, at The Last Stitch, Kaslo, BC or you can contact the artist at
Friday, September 30, 2011
Sketching in Italy
Sunday, September 18, 2011
New Fabric Line
Monday, September 12, 2011
The hand painted (with dye) fabric pieces can be made into wearable art which is what Joan Cavers did in this beautiful asymmetrical vest. Vogue pattern 8713.
Friday, August 26, 2011
quilted painted fabric
This wallhanging will be on display in my vendors booth at the Nelson Quilt Show, Oct 1 & 2. The show is at the Prestige Inn in Nelson, B.C., Canada.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Cactus Wallhanging

Dotty Smalley, member of Roadrunner Quilters of Yuma, Arizona completed this wallhanging using a painted fabric piece of Eileen Gidman's.
I love to adobe wall window peekthrough to the desert scene. The repeat of the Ocotilla's from the background of the painted piece to the three appliqued branches is a fantastic design element.
Dotty will be entering this wall hanging in the Arizona State show. this year.
Poppy Wallhanging

Carola, the owner or Carola's Quilt Shop ( in Gibson's, B.C., Canada completed this wall hanging, using one of Eileen Gidman's painted fabric pieces.
The asymmetrical design is awesome.