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Birds on a wire - Sketches |
Watercolour: 'Bullock's Oriole and Friends' |
The following story is about 'trying to teach an old dog new tricks' or should I say 'trying to teach an artist new electronic tricks'. Okay, so I now have an electronic device for storing reference photos. There is a steep learning curve regarding how to get the images from the camera to the device. After going to a free lesson, reading how to books and watching U-Tube videos I was able to finally transfer photos to the electronic tablet.
Well, a few weeks go by and I had set aside Friday for working on this painting. I have only the long narrow rectangle to fill. Nothing was preplanned for it but after having my eye out for a suitable subject, I saw these birds on a wire in my neighbourhood so I got up early one morning to take some photos.
On Friday morning, I go to transfer the photos to the tablet so I can use it where I am going painting. I have half an hour to do this task before heading out but of course I have forgotten how to do this. Irritated, I head off. Fortunately there is a bit of a walk to where I am going painting and I am able to cool off before getting there and starting another painting. Next Friday, the same scenario repeats itself so in frustration, I simply sketch the birds on some note paper by the computer and head off for a day of painting. It worked perfectly.
I know there are other artists/quilters out there with their own technology frustrations. Creator's are problem solvers so I know you figured something out. Send me your story in the comment section or at
egidman@kootenay.com I would be interested to hear from you.