Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Birds in Textile - large and small

Happy New Year. Let 2014 be full of original artwork including textile art! Isn't quilting becoming very artful. I am excited to think I might be attending a large quilt show in Feb to see the newest trends. I'll share more of that later.
What a great few days of textile painting I've had! I hope you found some time to work on your projects with all the other activities that are happening during this wonderful holiday season.
Fibre reactive dyes that are thickened with sodium alginate is a favorite medium of mine for painting on cotton. It is what I used in the samples below. The fine black lines are made with the thickened dye too that I dispense in a bottle with a fine nib. As the hand of the cloth stays soft and colourfast after the fabric is washed, the pieces are perfect for sewing as well as framing. My artwork is for sale and although I can't keep up putting all my new work on my website, if you see anything there or on this blog you like, contact me for details at .
Happy New Year everyone!

A small portion of  a larger commissioned hand painted (with dyes) textile panel.

Crows - I haven't decided whether to leave this black and white or over dye it with colour.

Card size - additional details will be free motion stitched.
This size is $10. Canadian or US funds plus shipping.

Card size - Can you see the one silhouetted bird?

Card size - The ducks will need some additional definition in stitching.

Card size - A hummingbird on my feeder.


Win Dinn, Artist said...

That chickadee is smashing, Eileen!

Laura Leeder said...

Wow! Such a joy to see all these new pieces Eileen! Your pleasure really comes through in this post.