Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas Lights

The 'Sound of Music' was on TV the other night and it reminded me that Christmas lights are one of my 'favorite things'. Here are a few of the lights we saw tonight. Be sure to check out the sliver of the moon beside the tree of lights in the last photo.
Just as with painting in watercolour, it is the darks that make the light colours stand out and we had a beautifully black night without street lights to show off the Christmas lights tonight.
We had to combine two homes to get the 'Merry Christmas' in this shot.

This really doesn't do the very lit up street justice but trust me, this whole area was gorgeous including an elf that popped up and down in Santa's sleigh.

Our border collie thought she would get in on the action!
A tree of lights, a star and the sliver of the moon. How special is that.


Win Dinn, Artist said...

Lovely Christmas decor, and I agree that it is a favourite thing of mine, too! Merry Christmas, Eileen, and a happy New Year to you as well. Big hugs!

Laura Leeder said...

How very festive Eileen! I love the photo with Casey. Merry Christmas to you, Greg and Casey!