Thursday, January 22, 2015

Maritime Clothesline

 Watercolour Painting - Clothesline Series

My newest Clothesline Series painting started and completed. So far it doesn't have a name. Any thoughts?
You can click  here for information about why I painted this series for 'inspiring energy conservation'. 
The watercolour painting is started. It is based on a clothesline I spotted in Oct 2014, on a busy highway in Nova Scotia.

Completed watercolour painting 7 1/2" x 10 1/2" (fits a 10 X 14" mat)
If you are interested in purchasing this painting, you can contact me at


Win Dinn, Artist said...

I love your clothesline series, and this painting is a knock-out. That green sets the tone for the green energy feel of the piece, so how about 'Going Green'?

Watercolour and Textile Artist, Eileen Gidman said...

That Is a great title Win.